Friday, September 19, 2008

Pre-AP Questions for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Chapter 1

1. Why did Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy leave London?

2. What is the setting of the story?

3. Describe the professor and the children’s reaction to him.

4. Why did Lucy go into the wardrobe?

5. What can you conclude about Lucy? What evidence supports what you think?

Chapter 2

1. What can you tell about Faun based on what he does in this chapter?

2. What words best describe how Lucy felt during her visit?

3. Why does Faun decide to let Lucy return? What influenced his decision?

Chapter 3

1. Use a Venn diagram to compare Lucy and Edmund’s experiences when they enter the wardrobe.

2. Why don’t the others believe Lucy when she tells them about what she found in the wardrobe?

3. Why didn’t Edmund see Lucy when he entered Narnia?

4. Describe the Queen of Narnia and Edmund’s impression of her.

5. On the sledge, why does the White Witch sit up higher?

6. Why is it significant that the sledge is pulled by reindeer?

Chapter 4

1. How did the Queen treat Edmund at first and how did her attitude change?

2. What did the Queen do to trick Edmund?

3. What type of information did Edmund share with the Queen?

4. Why directions did the Queen give Edmund?

5. How do Edmund and Lucy’s opinions of the Witch differ?

6. Why can’t Edmund get enough Turkish Delight?

Chapter 5

1. What words would you use to describe Edmund? Use evidence from the text to support your response.

2. Why are the children surprised by the professor’s reaction to their concern about Lucy?

3. Summarize the reasons the Professor says the children should believe Lucy.

4. How do all the children end up in the wardrobe?

Chapter 6

1. When did the children realize Edmund had been in the forest before?

2. Who leads the children and why?

3. Describe what the children found when they arrived at Mr. Tumnus’s cave?

4. How can you tell that Edmund had doubts about what the children were doing?

Chapter 7

1. What do the children do when they realize they are lost?

2. Why do the children decide to follow the beaver?

3. How did the children know that the Beaver and Mr. Tumnus were friends?

4. How did the Beaver feel about the dam? Use evidence from the text for support.

Chapter 8

1. What did Mr .Beaver think happened to Mr. Tumnus?

2. Why did Mr. Beaver not want the children to save Mr. Tumnus?

3. Who is Aslan?

4. How do the creatures in Narnia feel about humans?

5. Why did Mr. Beaver tell the children not to search for Edmund?

Chapter 9

1. Why did Edmund decide to leave the Beavers’ house?

2. How does Edmund justify going to the Witch’s castle?

3. Why is Edmund’s trip to the castle so difficult?

4. Describe what Edmund sees when he arrives at the castle.

5. Who or what is lying across the threshold?

Chapter 10

1. What disagreement do Mrs. Beaver and the others have?

2. Why doesn’t Lucy enjoy the journey?

3. Why does the narrator describe Peter’s voice as “pale”?

4. What does Father Christmas give the children and why does he say they are “tools, not toys”? How is this foreshadowing?

5. Why do the children feel “solemn” in the presence of Father Christmas?

Chapter 11

1. How is Edmund’s experience different from what he’d expected?

2. Why aren’t the wolves able to track the Beavers and the children?

3. Why is Edmund so miserable on the journey?

4. Describe the Queen’s meeting with the fox family, satyrs and the dwarf.

5. What changes does Edmund notice around him?

Chapter 12

1. What adjectives does the narrator use to describe the scene?

2. Why can’t the group continue to follow the river?

3. Why do the children need to go to the Stone Table?

4. What do the children see when they reach the top of the hill?

5. Why does Peter have to fight the wolves by himself?

6. What paradox is used in this chapter?

Chapter 13

1. What is Cair Paravel?

2. What conclusion does Edmund draw about what will happen to him?

3. How is Edmund rescued?

4. How do the Witch and the dwarf escape?

5. What do you think Aslan said to Edmund?

6. Why does the Witch think Edmund belongs to her?

Chapter 14

1. Why do you think Aslan can’t promise to help the children in the battle?

2. How does Aslan seem different in the night than he did during the day?

3. Describe the scene at the Stone Table.

4. Why doesn’t Aslan fight against the Witch?

5. What is the law about traitors according to the Deep Magic?

6. What would have happened if Aslan had not sacrificed himself?

Chapter 15

1. Why were the children in danger?

2. What things did the girls notice when they were trying to untie the lion?

3. How was Aslan able to come back to life?

4. Why do you think the children and Aslan go to the witch’s house?

Chapter 16

1. What does Aslan do to the statues?

2. How do they get out of the castle?

Chapter 17

1. What does Peter tell Aslan of the battle?

2. How is Edmund made better?

3. Where does Aslan go during the celebration?

4. What is special about the White Stag?

5. How do the children end up back at the Professor’s house?

6. What is the Professor’s reaction when the children tell him of their adventure?

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